New Here? Fill out a Connect Card
By filling out the connect card, this allows us to learn more about you and your areas of interest to ensure we guide you in the most meaningful way. Making the connection also ensures that you stay up-to-date with all that's happening at Thryve Church!

Thryve Track is our New Members Class! There are three steps/sessions and they take place every 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday. If you desire to become a member of Thryve or learn more about our ministry, register today!
Step One:
Become a Member
Learn about Thryve Church, our Spiritual Journey and how to become a member!
Step Two:
Discover Your Design
Discover the unique way God designed you and how you've been equipped to serve in God's Kingdom!
Step Three:
Join the Team
Learn about our culture at Thryve and find your place to serve within the church!

Would you like to Volunteer at Thryve!
Get involved in at Thryve Church by serving in one of many areas within the ministry! Examples include: Host Team (Ushers + Greeters), Production Team, Digital E-Team, Saturday Sanctuary Cleaning Ministry, Worship Team & more! Click the link below to sign up today!